Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Stand


Just stand.

When you have done everything you can, just stand. Don't sit down. Don't relax. Don't give up. Don't give in. Just stand.

One of the dictionary definitions of 'stand' is as follows: to take a position or place as indicated: to stand aside; to remain firm or steadfast, as in a cause. To take a position....to remain firm and steadfast.

When we 'make a stand', we are displaying our willingness to cooperate with something bigger than ourselves. We are showing everything that tries to come against us that we will not give in. We will not roll over and die. We will not give up. We will remain steadfast.

When we stand, we are telling our own soul.... our spirit.... that we are overcomers. We are telling ourselves that we are winners, not losers. We are telling the world that no matter what the circumstances look like, we will not be defeated.

We (my wife and I) are in a place right now where we just need to stand. We have done everything else we can.... we have been as wise, prudent, careful and honest as we can be and now there is nothing left to do but stand. To remain steadfast.

We are standing in agreement. We are standing in truth. We are standing in unity. We will not be defeated and we will overcome.

Maybe there is a situation in your life where you have done absolutely everything you can.... now is the time to just stand. Now it's time to let go of everything and stand and remain firm, even though the daily storms batter you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tim - a much-needed piece of encouragement at present, and the more powerful because I know you're walking it as well as talking it.
